Sunday, January 18, 2009

Achieve the Vintage Look in Photoshop - wikiHow

Achieve the Vintage Look in Photoshop - wikiHow

How to Achieve the Vintage Look in Photoshop

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

You don't have to be an expert in Photoshop to do something a little different with a picture. One way to set it apart is to give it a "vintage" look, as if the picture was taken decades ago, using the steps below. These instructions were written using Photoshop Extended CS3. This can also be a good way to spruce-up a low quality image.


  1. Select your image. Try to find a standard-quality picture[1], that's not either very small or very big.
  2. Open your image in Photoshop. If you have a problem with low picture quality, then consult the "Improving the Image Quality" section below to improve the quality before adding the vintage effect. If the picture is high quality, proceed to the next step.
  3. Duplicate your image and again go to Blending Options. Choose Overlay or Soft Light, according to your preferences.If your image is a light one, it's better keep it in low opacity such as 40%.
  4. Go to Layer>New AdjustmentLayer>Selective Color.
  5. Input these numbers in the following order:
    • Reds:+67, -48, -26, +31
    • Cyans: +29
    • Whites: 0, -45, +18, +8
    • Neutrals: +59, -11, -27, +15
    • Blacks: +51, +25, +23, -12

  6. Make a new layer (Ctrl+shift+n).Go to Edit>Fill and fill it with #1200ff or any rich blue color.This will fill your whole image with this colour but don't panic.Your image is not gone!
  7. Right click your new layer and select again Blending Options. Set it to "Exclusion" and Opacity at 20-25%.
  8. Add another layer and fill it again in this color : 8581b6.Go to Blending Options and select Color Dodge and set the Opacity to 25-30%.

Improving the Image Quality

  1. Duplicate your picture by Layer>Duplicate Layer.
  2. Right click on the layer you have just created and select Blending Options.
  3. Set it to screen and select low opacity. Then select Layer>Flatten Image.
  4. Duplicate your picture (Ctrl+J), & go to Filter>Noise>Reduce Noise. Now the settings depend on your picture, so experiment to have the best results.
    • Here are the settings which are used in the picture above:
      • Strength: 10
      • Preserve Details: 7%
      • Reduce Color Noise: 0%
      • Sharpen Details: 56%

  5. Now that you've improved the skin detail, you might still have scan lines on the background & hair, so go to Filter>Blur>Surface Blur. Once again, these settings depend on your image so just experiment.
    • These are some sample settings:
      • Radius: 2
      • Threshold: 8
      • The example picture after that change looks like this.

  6. Pick up where you left off in the steps above.



  • Experiment according to the picture you have in your computer. The adjustments above are samples, but they might not fit in each picture. So try testing different things to achieve the desired result.

Things You'll Need

  • Photoshop (the latest versions would work better)
  • Photo to be "aged"
  • Computer

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Sources and Citations


Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Achieve the Vintage Look in Photoshop. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How to Avoid Looking Like an American Tourist

How to Avoid Looking Like an American Tourist

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

As an American traveling in a foreign country, the last thing you want to do is stand out like a sore thumb. Not only do you have a greater chance of getting sucked into tourist traps, but you're also a more obvious target for getting mugged or even kidnapped. So, are you aware of the things you do, say, and wear that make you look like the stereotypical tourist?


  1. Ditch the athletic shoes. White athletic shoes (otherwise referred to as tennis shoes, or sneakers) are stereotypically American. Any shoes that don't look like they were meant for exercise will suffice. If you do wear socks, make sure they're dark. Flip-flops are also very noticeable as American attire.
  2. Buy accessories at local stores, especially ones that you see the locals wearing, like scarves. Sometimes not wearing something could signal that you are a tourist. For example, in some countries, hats or scarves are worn by the majority, or, in winter, most people might wear neck scarves. Also, head scarves in some religious establishments. It would be wise to research this in advance and be prepared to take something with you if you plan to visit religious places.
  3. Avoid US brand name clothing with easily readable names (eg. Nike, Gap, Abercrombie, Patriotic, Texas A&M, etc.). In fact, don't wear any slogans (like "Virginia is for lovers") that will tie you to a specific place.
  4. Dress a little nicer than usual. Casual dress (wearing sneakers, sweatshirts, t-shirts, jeans, or shorts (especially athletic shorts) instead of slacks or skirts with shirts or blouses) is not as common outside the US. Jeans are not universally accepted as appropriate in all social situations. Take some pairs of trousers or slacks in lieu of jeans. And don't wear shorts, especially if you are a woman. Look around and see whether people tuck their shirts in, or leave them hanging out--sometimes this differs for men and women in the same country.
  5. Dress appropriately for the local weather. Shorts and a t-shirt in cool climates (or winter time) are a clear sign that you are not in touch with the local weather.
  6. Camouflage. What colors do the locals wear? Mostly black and other neutral shades, like in London, or bright, bold colors like in the Caribbean? Wear colors that you see the locals wearing. Your hot pink sweater vest or bright blue collared shirt might be fashionable in Minneapolis, but it won't fly in Budapest.
  7. Leave your baseball hats, backpack and water bottles at home

  1. Take whatever condiments they give you. Requesting typical US condiments (ketchup, salt, pepper, etc.) is a sure giveaway that you are an American tourist. Use the typical condiments in your host country, and if you don't like them or can't bear to eat without your American condiments, bring your own. Take small packets with you to use rather than insisting that the restaurant supply you with it.
  2. Give up the ice. In many parts of the world, you will be served your drinks with little or no ice - much less than you're accustomed to in the US. Of course, if you want ice in your drink because that's how you prefer it and you're paying for it, you're perfectly entitled to ask for it...but the point of this article is to help you avoid being labeled as an American, and requesting ice is a definite giveaway.
  3. Eat local food. Many American tourists visit US chain restaurants for every meal, afraid to dabble in the local cuisine, but becoming a regular at the local McDonald's and Pizza Hut will tip everyone off that you're an American really quickly.
  4. Use local table manners. For example, in Europe, a fork and knife are used differently than in the US. In some Southeast Asian nations chopsticks might be more appropriate.
  5. Order like a local. In some countries, for instance, a salad is the last item served, not the first. In others, people don't eat what we in the US think of as a "salad".
  6. Don't request decaf unless you can see in the menu that it is offered.
  7. Don't ask for a seat in the "non-smoking" section, unless you already know there is one.
  8. Don't insist on drinking “Coke” with every meal.

  1. Keep the map out of sight. Pulling out and looking at your map in a public space is a no-no. Study it before you leave your hotel, and if you do need to consult your map, step into a store or any other less public place. Have the maps pre-folded so they may be easily accessed and read. Same goes for other items:
    • If you must use a dictionary to translate a sign or menu, be discrete. For example, copy down the words of the sign and move aside to a less public place to work out the translation.
    • Don't carry US newspapers, magazines or books in plain view.

  2. Be quiet! Many Americans are recognized for being louder than is customary in other parts of the world. Large arm and hand movements and boisterous behavior should be avoided until you know how the locals act. Adults in many non-American cultures use lower voices in public places. Either way, you're always better off being a little more reserved and quiet, at least for starters, than blasting onto a foreign scene with your vitality and making the wrong impression.
  3. Don't brag or be showy. When you pull things out of your bag in public to show your friends or family what you purchased, you might as well yell "I have money and I'm ready to spend it, unless you want to take it from me against my will!"
  4. Avoid talking about the local people and culture. Something as seemingly harmless as "Oh, I just love the scarves here!" will mark you as a tourist. And don't assume people can't understand what you're saying, just because you said it in English. In many parts of the world, people are taught to speak English along with their native language.
  5. Mind your personal space. Not every country is as "spacious" as the US (unless you're in New York City, where space is at a premium). When you're at a counter, for example, don't spread out your arms; when you're sitting down on the bus or train, don't stretch out your legs in a way that might get in someone's way.
  6. Don't chew a lot of gum. It's just not very common outside of the US, and even within the US, it's a breach of etiquette under some circumstances.
  7. Don't wear your camera around your neck. When traveling to a foreign country, you are bound to take pictures. However, having a camera strap and wearing it around your neck for easy access is a sure way to look like a tourist. If you can, keep it in a pocket or in a purse and pull it out when needed.
  8. Try to speak the language. Okay, you're American and everybody knows your language, but why not try to make an effort to speak the local language? It's a sign of respect and appreciation of the local culture. Learn a few basic words like "Hello", "Please" and "Thank you". Nobody will mind if your accent is not perfect; the fact that you've been willing to speak their language, even when you could well have spoken yours, is a thing that many people appreciate in tourists.


  • These are only guidelines. You can do whatever you want as a tourist, but this article outlines some things you might want to avoid doing if fitting in and avoiding unwarranted attention is a concern.
  • In the UK, most men wear closely-fitted, dark clothing. If you are visiting during winter months, a snugly-fitted jacket will help you blend in with the local crowd.
  • Avoid baseball caps if possible.
  • If you are travelling alone, especially a woman, buy the local newspaper and keep it under your arm when walking, or open it if on a bus or train.
  • Always buy a pair of local shoes - especially what people wear for comfort.


  • Don't wear a fanny pack. They make you a ridiculously easy target for pick-pocketers. A pick-pocketer could unzip the fanny pack and effortlessly take out the contents without you being aware.
  • If you look different (like if you have different color skin, or are more overweight or underweight than everyone else) people are going to think you're a tourist, or at least a foreigner, no matter what. But if you follow the steps above, hopefully they won't think you're a stereotypical American tourist, and they won't treat you as such.
  • If you are a woman, your best bet is to keep money, your id, your credit card, or anything of value you would need with you, in your bra. You may not feel someone pulling objects out of your pocket, but you will definitely know if they're inside your shirt!
  • Men should carry wallets in their front pockets which are more easily guarded.

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Avoid Looking Like an American Tourist. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Make a Kusudama Flower - wikiHow

Make a Kusudama Flower - wikiHow

How to Make a Kusudama Flower

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

A pretty kusudama flower can be made by folding five or six square pieces of paper. If you make twelve flowers, they can be assembled into a beautiful kusudama ball. Even if you use colorful sticky notes, the result is very impressive and can be used for decorative purposes or even worn as a temporary brooch.


  1. Gather the supplies you need listed in the Things You'll Need section, located at the bottom of this article.
  2. Take the paper square, and fold it in half the diagonal way. It should now look like a triangle.
  3. Take the two 45 degree angle flaps, and fold them to the top point. You should now have a formed square.
  4. Fold the flaps backwards, half way, so that the folded back edges line up with the edges of the square beneath.
  5. Unfold as shown.
  6. Open each flap and flatten it along the creases made in the previous steps. If you are confused, take a look at the image for further guidance.
  7. Turn it over.
  8. Fold one of the triangular flaps in, against itself.
  9. Repeat with the other flap and turn over again.
  10. There should be a crease going along the middle of each of the two flaps or triangles, fold along those creases.
  11. Glue the top of the folded flaps, or where indicated by the image. Using a glue stick may be a good idea, since it dries so quickly, or you can use white liquid glue as shown here.
  12. Take the folded flaps and bring them together, fastening them in place, it may slip off, so you could try lightly taping it together, or hold it in place.
  13. Make five more of these.
  14. Apply glue to the "center" of each piece. The "center" is where the folded edges meet (where they were glued together previously). Spread out the glue so that the centers of the pieces can stick together securely.
  15. Wait for the glue to dry completely, otherwise, the petals will slip apart.
  16. Repeat with all of the other petals. Glue everything together in a circular formation. Using paperclips to hold the petals together works well.
  17. You are now finished.


  • Make sure your folds are sharp, precise, and crisp. It will give it a clean look.
  • Try adding more and more petals to make it look even fancier.
  • Make 12 of these and try making a traditional Kusudama sphere.
  • You may find that a glue stick dries more quickly.


  • Sticky notes can be difficult to work with (because the folds will stick together).

Things You'll Need

  • 6 pieces of square paper (for example, Sticky Notes)
  • Glue (white liquid or stick)

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Make a Kusudama Flower. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

PC World - Broadband Caps Coming to AT&T

PC World - Broadband Caps Coming to AT&T: "Broadband Caps Coming to AT&T

JR Raphael, PC World

Nov 4, 2008 4:38 pm

The days of unlimited data transfers may be dwindling. AT&T is now testing the idea of a monthly data cap for its broadband Internet users, the company has confirmed, and could move toward a more widespread rollout in the future."

Monday, November 03, 2008


Originally uploaded by jere7my
I love these. A lady painted these classic Greek scenes onto black Chuck Taylors.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008